France subdivisions map for Excel, Word and Powerpoint

last update : december 09, 2024

Map set of the new regions, departments, head towns of France ready to change for ms office Word®, Excel® and PowerPoint®.

France subdivisions map for Excel, Word and Powerpointclick on the map to enlarge


Color your maps, add your notes, information and graphics on your computer with through editable maps for Microsoft Office®. Their vector format can be crop, resize, colored and print in any size without loss of quality. From a simple mouse click, select your geographical area and change the size, background color and borders, text, captions ... Share, print, and export those cards without wasting time drawing them.

5 maps pack :

tags France,2017,regions,departements,towns,Execl,Word,Powerpoint,map

See also

French departments clipart

map-of-French departments clipart

Map Pack of the 101 departments of France for Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Illustrator.
new regions of France Office map

map-of-new regions of France Office map

Editable map of new regions of France for Excel, Word or Open Office.
Word and Excel free map France region

map-of-Word and Excel free map France region

Map of French regions for ms office Word and Excel office software. Free editable map ready to use. France-region.doc France-regions.xls
Word and Excel France departements editable map

map-of-Word and Excel France departements editable map

Editable map of french old departments for Word, Excel and Powerpoint 2007/2010, 2016/365.


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