Clickable map of Europe html with CSS bubble tip

Map of European countries and micro-states (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino ...) in HTML with clickable links and editable CSS bubbletip accepting html tags. Each country can be linked to url of your choice. Source code in two languages​​: French and English IN THE ZIP FILE : 1 pure html version 1 version Bubble info Javascript / CSS You can change the appearance of the bubble info (size, fonts, colors ...) You can also change the look of the card through original image files provided (Illustrator, Photoshop layers)

Clickable map of Europe html with CSS bubble tipclick on the map to enlarge



See also

Clickable map of Europe - ready to use

map-of-Clickable map of Europe - ready to use

Clickable map of European countries with tooltip and separate links for each country. Simply copy / paste the map and it works.


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